Rabindranath Tagore Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo : Commonality and Contrasts in their Philosophies of Life

by Utpal Chattopadhyay

ISBN: 9789392522116
Publisher : Blossom Books
Year : 2023
Price : INR 250
Discount : 20 %

Author Profile

Did his graduation in physics from St. Xavier's college, Kolkata. Completed B.Tech in Instrumentation and Electronics from Jadavpur University. Followed a professional career in engineering in M.N. Dastur & Co (Pvt) Ltd. First book "Physics and beyond physics" published in 2019. Books "Twenty First century Physics Nobel Laureates" and "In search of The Soul" published in August 2020. In December 2020 was published the next book "Search for Salvation". In August 2021 the author made a journey through the philosophy of Hinduism in his book "The Wonder That is Hinduism". In May 2022 was published the next book "Mystery of our existence" in which the author looks at the enigma of our existence both from scientific and spiritual perspectives. In November 2022 was published his next book “Lives That Were Short But Sublime”.

About The Book

 Tagore (1861), Vivekananda (1863) and Aurobindo (1872) are three contemporary bright sons of Mother India who revolutionized – both outwardly and inwardly – the whole world. This book tries to study the philosophies of life of these three great personalities broadly from two aspects – spiritualism and humanism.Tagore, according to his own views, is a Vedantin but there is another great perspective of Tagore’s philosophy of life. “Rabindranath Tagore is the representative of the humanist school.”Vivekananda, the “cyclonic monk” from India, was a follower of  Advaita Vedanta philosophy but he modernized the old school of monasticism and God realisation by combining these with service to God in men – Shiva Jnane Jiva Seva.The popular perception of Aurobindo’s life is divided. The early political firebrand and later mystic are seen as separate identities, split by a year of imprisonment during which Aurobindo was spiritually awakened. However, for Alex Wolfers, a researcher at Cambridge’s Faculty of Divinity, this dichotomy is a false one. The spiritual and political blurred throughout the extraordinary life of the 'revolutionary Sannyasi'. The Pondicherry Ashram, according to Sri Aurobindo, "has been created with another object than that ordinarily common to such institutions, not for the renunciation of the world but as a centre and a field of practice for the evolution of another kind and form of life which would in the final end be moved by a higher spiritual consciousness and embody a greater life of the spirit." The Life Divine.

Table of Contents

1. Rabindranath Tagore 2. Swami Vivekananda. 3. Sri Aurobindo 4. A Comparative Study